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Touring Romania GuideBook - Carpathian 2 Wheels Guide - Diskusné fórum - Moto turistika

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Značky: Cestopis, Tip, Mapa, GPS, Batožina, Plánované, Skúsenosti.

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Pridaj novú diskusiuTouring Romania GuideBook - Carpathian 2 Wheels Guide - Diskusné fórum - Moto turistika

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Značky: Mapa, GPS, Plánované.

12.04.2016 14:32

Touring Romania GuideBook - Carpathian 2 Wheels Guide

Nucuta Calin - CalinN

The Carpathian 2 Wheels Guide project has reached the 2nd Edition: Touring Romania.
This edition proposes 28 routes (over 8100 kilometers - 5000 miles), features more than 70 sights and covers all the territory of Romania.
Unlike the 1st edition, this one is addressed solely to the bikers who prefer tarmac roads.
At this point there is the option to pre-order the guide and benefit from a 10 % discount. More details can be found here:

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24.05.2016 8:36

Re: Touring Romania GuideBook - Carpathian 2 Wheels Guide

Nucuta Calin - CalinN

Finally it is out!
The second guidebook of the Carpathian 2 Wheels Guide project: Touring Romania proposes 28 routes on tarmac that cover all the regions of the country.
The majority of the routes, 21 of them, are covering the historical regions of Romania like: Maramures, Banat, Transilvania or Dobrogea.
The other 7 take the travelers on the major mountain passes of the Carpathian Mountains.

More details and tree free tracks

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Dôvod úpravy:

Upravené 1 krát. Naposledy upravil CalinN (24.05.2016 8:37)

Pridať príspevok môže len registrovaný používateľ, člen Motoride Klubu.


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