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Suzuki GSX-R750 and 1000 recalled for defective chain adjuster - Diskusné fórum - Moto poradňa

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Pridaj novú diskusiuSuzuki GSX-R750 and 1000 recalled for defective chain adjuster - Diskusné fórum - Moto poradňa

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24.10.2014 11:17

Suzuki GSX-R750 and 1000 recalled for defective chain adjuster



SUZUKI is recalling certain model year GSX-R750s and GSX-R1000s over a defective chain adjuster which could cause the chain to fall off.

Recalled bikes include certain 2011-2014 GSX-R750s and 2009-2014 GSX-R1000 motorcycles, affecting 23,000 bikes in the US and 3,752 in the UK.

The Japanese firm’s summary of the recall says: ‘If a gear is missed while upshifting, the strain applied to the drive chain after the next shift may cause the rear axle to move, damaging the left-side drive chain adjuster.

‘If the drive chain adjuster gets damaged, the drive chain may come off causing loss of power to the rear wheel, and increasing the risk of a crash.’

The recall is expected to begin this week with Suzuki GB contacting owners and offering to replace the faulty component with an ‘improved part’ free of charge.

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